This past year we have catalogued 99 species on ebird in Harper Park. With the winter months approaching the rate of new species discovery has slowed, but we know there are more to be found! As a friendly challenge among naturalists we are having our first competition! Who can catalogue species number 100? Rules are as follows:
- The list of species that have been located in the park can be found at Ebird – Harper Park you must submit your sighting to ebird for it to count.
- In addition to a sighting, you must submit a photograph of the species you have sighted (attached to the ebird entry if possible)
- The first person to submit a sighting of the species to ebird with a photograph will be declared the winner.
- Teams are allowed.
The winners will receive a small trophy and a $10 gift certificate to Electric City Bread Company as well as eternal bragging rights.
If you need to find your way into Harper Park, a map can be found on our Resources Page. Happy Bird Watching!