Harper creek Information And Resources
You can find more information about Harper Creek here. If you have reports or documents you would like to have included here, please email Dylan Radcliffe. We have attempted to include the most accurate and up to date information here, if you see any errors or omissions, please feel free to contact us.
Emily Amon (2017) Research Paper on Sustainable Stormwater Management in the Harper Creek Subwatershed
This topographical map was created in May 2017. It outlines Harper Park and the surrounding area. It also includes a short trail that people can easily access off of Harper Road. (Dylan Radcliffe)
This is a bird checklist created from the amalgamated data from ebird.org for the Harper Park birding hotspot. People visiting Harper Park are encouraged to submit their sightings to ebird.org. This checklist was updated May 26th 2017.
Harper Park Opportunities and Constraints. Prepared for the City of Peterborough by Otonabee Conservation. January 2004
Management Plan for Harper Creek. Prepared for the City of Peterborough by Otonabee Conservation 2013. Primarily a document assessing the condition of culverts and other stormwater infrastructure in the creek.