On October 2nd Peterborough council will vote to place the future of Harper Park in the hands of a single consultant. City council claims that people who care about the future of Harper Park will be asked to provide input on its future. City council has always ignored and rejected the input of the community on the care of this incredible park space.
This request for $112,000 to plan for the future of the park is also a waste of your tax dollars. The work required to complete a report on the future of the park has already been completed. The citizens and scientists of Peterborough have already documented the park better than any consultant ever will.
We are asking that the future of Harper Park be placed in the hands of a not for profit partner involving community members. Partnered together we can ensure that Harper Park is protected for ours and future generations.
Voice your support below, tell city council that this park belongs to the people of Peterborough; not to their narrow visions of casinos and strip malls.
Report submitted to city council September 21st Natural Hertitage Policy and Harper Park Plan PLPD17-043